WWE HOFer Eric Bischoff Names The Person In Wrestling He Respects More Than Anyone

During his time in command of World Championship Wrestling, Eric Bischoff was known to have several close relationships with members of his roster, including Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page and Hulk Hogan. But on "83 Weeks," Bischoff mentioned a somewhat surprising name to co-host Conrad Thompson as a person he respected more than anyone else in the wrestling business.


"Of all the people I've worked with, there's nobody I respect more than Steve Regal," Bischoff said. "In terms of his integrity, his professionalism, his view of the product and what the product needs to be, he's such an amazing asset."

Bischoff recounted a recent outing which saw the pair rent an AirBnb, allowing the former colleagues to catch up. Bischoff said Regal's stories opened his eyes as to how difficult it was to break into the wrestling business in the UK in the early '80s. Naturally this brought up one of Regal's contemporaries who's often linked to him in terms of style and toughness: Fit Finlay.

"The stories he told me about Fit [Finlay] and some of the things they went through were fascinating," Bischoff said. "I didn't really appreciate or have the opportunity to appreciate or to get to know somebody as amazing as Fit Finlay. He's such a classy guy, and he's so good but he never really got the attention, creative attention that he really deserved because he was that freaking good and he had so much ability to do so many different things because of his experience. But I love learning about it now."


Bischoff is not the only wrestling executive to think highly of Regal. Triple H has commended him in the past for his work in NXT. Meanwhile, Fit Finlay has been praised for his work with WWE's Women's Division. 

