Jeff Hardy's AEW Contract Status Revealed By His Brother Matt

Jeff Hardy's time in AEW could be coming to an end. Speaking on "The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy" podcast, the titular host confirmed that his brother's deal is due to expire this month — and he's healthy enough to compete again at the time of this writing.


"I mean, he's been cleared. He's just sitting at home waiting on the call," Hardy said. "Unlike me, he's not someone who really gets out and makes things happen — he just kind of waits on someone to call him. He's sitting at home just waiting on that phone call, jumping on the trampoline up and down with the dumbbells. But, yeah, he's got until like mid-June or so, I think. And then his deal's up. So I guess we'll see if he ends up re-signing or not re-signing. Who knows?"

Jeff Hardy was injured during an "AEW Rampage" taping back in February and he hasn't appeared on television since. Meanwhile, Matt Hardy became a free agent after turning down a new AEW contract, though he has worked a few dates for TNA Wrestling. Both brothers have been vocal about being unhappy with their AEW booking in the past, but it remains to be seen if Jeff will also seek a fresh challenge like his brother.


Unless Jeff's deal is renewed, he could be the latest of several stars to leave promotion this year. Mark Henry opted not to renew his AEW contract in May, while Arn Anderson has confirmed that he's leaving when his deal expires. Jake Hager is rumored to be done with AEW as well, and it will be interesting to see if more people follow suit.

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

