WWE Hall Of Famer Mark Henry Offers Motivation To Ricochet

Barring a last minute turn of events, Ricochet's time in WWE seems to be over, as the former Intercontinental and United States Champion is reportedly set to depart the promotion when his contract expires later this summer. As such, WWE appeared to write him off of television last night on "Raw," following an angle where Ricochet was taken to the hospital after being slammed through a car windshield by Bron Breakker.


Hours before that happened, Ricochet's contract status was discussed by Mark Henry on "Busted Open Radio." The WWE Hall of Famer and former AEW personality had nothing but praise for Ricochet as a person, though he noted that Ricochet's kindness made it easy for WWE to overlook him.

"There ain't many people that I've mentored and talked to that I can say I love 'em; I love him as a person," Henry said "There is not a sweeter dude in pro wrestling other than maybe Rey Mysterio...But Ricochet is right there. But he will not make the waves, and the company knows that he won't make the waves, just like I know he won't make the waves. And so they just play him. And now it's going to backfire."

Despite everything that's happened, however, Henry believes the best place for Ricochet is the place he's leaving, provided he's motivated to get certain perks in a new deal.


"My thing is this; I think that he should...go back to WWE," Henry said. "But he should say 'Guys, if I sign this deal, I want there to be a clause. If I feel like that there's conduct detrimental to my success, that I can just leave, no consequence. You're going to do right by me, or I'm not going to be here.' That's what he should ask for."

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Busted Open Radio" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

