Being The Elite #124: Behind-The-Scenes On Chris Jericho Cruise, "Triple H" Confronts Cody

If you missed their Halloween video, click here, and here's the recap for episode 122.

* Young Bucks are traveling to the Jericho Cruise and say they probably won't be making any money for this tour as they booked about 15 flights for family. We get a tour of Nick's room on the cruise.


* Christopher Daniels confronts Flip Gordon about jumping in their SCU bits on the previous episode. Gordon explains how he has to get the brass ring to get more time on the show. Daniels says Gordon can't just be in their skits, he has to be SCU, live SCU. Gordon reminds Daniels he's from Michigan. Daniels said he's lived in California for almost half his life though, Gordon says it doesn't really sound like Daniels is actually SCU and heads off.

* Marty Scurll, Adam Page, and Kenny Omega hit the "crazy" rapids at a water park. Page is filming with his phone, which of course ends up getting wet.

* Young Bucks show off the cruise and talk about their great family day until a bunch of seagulls came and ate their lunch.


* For Halloween, SCU dresses up like Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta from Pulp Fiction. Shane "Hurricane" Helms makes an appearance.

* The whole crew shows off their Super Mario themed costumes with Nick Jackson being annoyed he's Luigi. The group then wrestles in their costumes.

* We see Flip on the drums for Papa Buck's jam session. Flip then talks with Matt and Nick about grabbing the brass ring by filling in as their dad's drummer, unfortunately, it's not enough. Flip ends up leaving, then coming back and superkick them and Marty Scurll (who just came out of the shower).

* Adam Page films one of his scenes with Cody for their Halloween special.

* Matt is counting a stack of cash, Scorpio Sky shows up and says things are going okay for him, but financially he's still in a bit of a hole. Says he needs 100 grand, Matt says that's no problem, he's got it right here and gives him a 100 grand candy bar.

* The group joins Jericho for a live Talk is Jericho podcast and says they are no longer in the Bullet Club and will known as "The Elite."

* The final scene is in black and white with the camera behind "Triple H." He walks into a room with his sledgehammer and sees Cody Rhodes. Rhodes backs away in fear and the sledgehammer comes down as Rhodes yells in terror.

