Recently Released WWE Star Continues To Hype The Revolt
EC3 has been counting down his 90-day non-compete clause since being released by WWE. He has released a series of Twitter videos showing a new image of himself as well as workout videos.
He has also talked about controlling his own narrative, and he has recently used his platform to hype up another talent that has been released, The Revolt, formerly known as The Revival.
EC3 is shown hyping up The Revolt in a similar format as his other videos. As he goes through his description of The Revolt, a series of words flash on the screen. Those words being "FTR", "Revive,"Revolt" and "Fear the Revolt". The video's background is similar to that of a previous video that Dax Harwood, formerly Scott Wilder, had tweeted out a few weeks ago. The video ends with what sounds like remixed version of The Revival's theme in WWE.
"Define work horses: dependable, steady, reliable? Define teamwork: putting an objective over the accomplishment of the individual? Define tag team: Two singularities, one vision? Boots, trunks, fists, no flips, the classics never die," EC3 said. "Masters of a lost art applying complicated formulas executed to precision! In an industry where respect of your peers, studying your craft and painting in-ring masterpieces brings only ire and resentment, you rise above. FTW? No, no, no. FTR! Fear The Revolt! Their names are Dax and Cash, and you've been warned."
The tweet quickly received reaction from Drake Maverick and The Revolt themselves. Maverick retweeted the video and replied with "FTR".
Cash Wheeler, formerly Dash Wilder, replied tweeting, "This man is a psycho. In the best sense of the word. Untouchable at his game. A revolution is coming. #FTR."
Dax Harwood replied giving praise to EC3 writing, "I have a wine buzz (thanks MJF), so I can't come up with something cool to say, but there was A LOT of money left on the table with this guy. #FTR."
Define Work Horses??
Dependable. Steady. Responsible.?
Define Teamwork??
Putting an objective over the accomplishment of the individual.?
Define TagTeam??
Two singularities. One vision.?
Boots, trunks, fists (no flips) the classics never die.?
? I|I essential character I|I (@therealec3) May 7, 2020
Masters of a lost art applying complicated formulas, executed to precision.?
In an industry where studying your craft, respect of your peers, and painting in ring masterpieces brings only ire and resentment you rise above.?
Top Guys.?
?#FTR. ?
?? I|I essential character I|I (@therealec3) May 7, 2020
Fear The Revolt.?
Their names are @CashWheelerFTR and @DaxHarwood.
you've been warned.? I|I essential character I|I (@therealec3) May 7, 2020
? Drake Maverick (@WWEMaverick) May 7, 2020
This man is a psycho. In the best sense of the word. Untouchable at his game.
A revolution is coming. #FTR
? CASH (@CashWheelerFTR) May 7, 2020
I have a wine buzz (thanks MJF), so I can't come up with something cool to say, but there was A LOT of money left on the table with this guy. #FTR
? Dax FTR (@DaxHarwood) May 7, 2020