Miro Recalls Almost Being Fired Over A Dark Match Before WrestleMania 34
On a recent episode of the Talk Is Jericho podcast, "The Best Man" Miro came on and talked about his last few years with WWE. He recalled a dark match before WrestleMania 34 where he was almost fired for the shenanigans during that match, and he talked about the fallout of that incident where he took the pin in the four-way match at WrestleMania during the "Rusev Day" run.
"We had a dark match before Mania, and I got superkicked by the ref. And I guess they got really mad about that, but once again, it's a dark match," Miro pointed out. "So, it's me, Baron Corbin [and] Aiden English vs. The Usos and AJ [Styles]. We go out there, and I had idea of a superkick party. They would superkick us three times in a row, and then we'll throw Aiden English to get superkick. He rolls out. We throw him back in. He gets superkicked. People are loving it.
"Finally, all three of us roll. We stare at each other. I think it's The Usos and the ref [that] superkicks all three of us, and AJ puts the ref shirt [on and] comes down and counts one, two. I kick out of course because I'm going to protect myself, but then we go through the back and we got yelled [at]. We got fined, and they told me if I didn't kick out, I was going to get fired. Vince wasn't there. Vince left. They yelled at us. We had phone calls. We had emails. We had another phone call.
"And they made me lose at Mania three weeks later. We had a four-way, there's three people that can lose, and I hate to say it, but out of these four people, I believe I was the most over. "Why would you make me lose? What does that get you?"
Miro revealed that when he cut his hair during his WWE hiatus, he got in trouble for it. He noted that he was only being brought in to enhance other guys but recalls being told that those spots would help his character, and he gave his thoughts on that line of thinking.
"I did, so I'm a little rebellious sometimes, and when you put me out too long, I'm just not going to take it. At the end of the day, I got here to live my dream, and you stopping me for it, it's going to come somewhere," Miro said. "And in that case, I just cut my hair because I had nothing going on. They were just beating me day in and day out. I had nothing. I'm going away with a shoulder surgery, and what is there for me to cut my hair? They come back for one match.
"They made Big Show chokeslam me four times and punch me seven times, and they're trying to convince me it's for me to protect my character. Come on man! I'm not that stupid. I know, and it's okay. You can just tell me because I love Big Show. He put me over when I needed it. I have to put him over. Who cares? I'm not that guy. Just tell me we need three chokeslams and a punch. One, two, three. Great, I'll do it, but yeah, they threw a big stink out of my hair. How dare you? how can you? Why didn't you ask? I'm sorry, I'll ask next time."
Before the angle with Bobby Lashley, Miro revealed that he wanted a break from WWE. He said that he had tried to get meetings with Vince McMahon and Triple H but was instead put into the 50-Man Battle Royal at WWE Super ShowDown in Saudi Arabia.
"So the whole angle started, again, out of nowhere," Miro pointed out. "I was out. I wanted to leave. I wanted to take a break because I was promised meetings with Vince and with Hunter. They flew me to Saudi Arabia to have meetings with them. That never happened. They throw me into a 50-Man Battle Royal."
Miro said Paul Heyman contacted him about the Lashley storyline, and he revealed that the angle was set to culminate into a big WrestleMania match. However, he admitted that he knew the angle was going to go wrong when it was implied that he was the father of Maria Kanellis' child. He noted that he was never going to be part of that storyline, and he also noted that he made his return in a small market like Knoxville rather than a bigger market like Chicago the week after.
"I think Paul Heyman called us with that story, and I was like, 'where is this leading?' This is my first question," Miro stated. "'Cool, it's not my favorite story, but where is it leading?' Main event of WrestleMania, one of the main events of WrestleMania. When you hear that, what are you going to say? There's plans, and this is September, October [or] whatever it was so it's a few months [of] plans. That's very realistic. Cool. I jumped on board, and I knew it was a red flag since the beginning.
"So I was hiding in the bus. Maria Kanellis is going to do a promo of who her baby daddy is, and then my music is going to hit. I expressed, I said, 'this is going to confuse everybody because they're gonna think the I am the baby daddy. It's not even part of the story,' but once again, they wanted that specifically because I'm pretty sure it was not just for the pop but pushing the people to talk. And I came back in Knoxville. I love Knoxville. You can wait one week later. We were going to Chicago."
Miro also discussed the different visions Heyman and McMahon had for his character after Lana broke up with him for Lashley. He said that Heyman wanted him to be loose and have fun because he was free from Lana, but McMahon wanted him to be serious and heart broken over his wife leaving him.
"[I] came back. Nobody cares, whatever but still, we did turn it around. I think because the story was good. It was very controversial, but it didn't turn around, once again, until I started having fun. I started playing the crazy guy because Paul Heyman was telling me, 'you don't care about her. You're so over it. You just want to have fun. You're fine to be away,' and we got there eventually, but at the other side, the other camp, Vince is thinking the complete opposite. 'Why are you smiling? You're heart broken.' So now, they can't get it together between each other, and I'm stuck in the middle. And at the end of the day, when everything was set and done, they were all for me, but then during the period, I guess Vince loved Bobby and his heat and decided for him to beat me every night."
If you use any quotes from this article, please credit Talk Is Jericho with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.