MJF’s Mother Calls Him A Disgrace: “I’m Not Tolerating This Bullsh*t”

MJF's mother, Nina Friedman was a guest on Busted Open Radio this week. After the AEW star cut a scathing promo about her on Fite TV, she took the time to respond. Nina claimed that her son should be used as the face of birth control.


"I got to tell you, here's what I thought. I think Max should be the face of every advertisement and health class of why you should use birth control," she stated. "That is my honest opinion, he is so ridiculously disrespectful, he is beyond ungrateful. I cannot get over what he has turned into, and I am sick to tell you the truth."

Nina continued her rant about MJF, discussing his upbringing. She made it clear that he was given everything and that she and her husband were the number one supporters of his career.

"I wouldn't call him a man, that's number one," Nina said. "Number two is that he was born with such a silver spoon, given everything, nurtured, we were the number one supporters of his dreams, and what do we get? It's outrageous, I am embarrassed, he's a disgrace to our family, and lots of luck to him, that's all I'm going to say, I'm not tolerating this bullsh*t."


MJF's mother then went on to question whether or not she is able to file for emancipation from him. She labeled her son as a despicable human, making her thoughts crystal clear.

"He is the most despicable human being," Nina claimed. "Am I allowed to file emancipation, is that allowed? Am I allowed to file emancipation from him, that's all I want to know?"

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit Busted Open Radio with a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

