Eddie Kingston Explains Why Wrestling Championships Are A 'Big Deal'

There's a long-running debate about the importance of championships in pro wrestling. To most people in and out of the business, they're seen as the grandest prizes of them all. Others however see them as more of a prop, and not something that should be taken that seriously. It won't surprise many to learn that Eddie Kingston disagrees with that latter take. On Talk is Jericho, Kingston discussed what makes wrestling championships, particularly world championships, so important, and revealed what he thinks of people in wrestling that don't think winning championships means all that much.


"To me, people who say it's not a big deal will never be champion, or don't deserve to be champion," Kingston said. "To me, that means the company trusts you. That's what it really is. The company goes 'We give you this championship belt, this prop, but what it means is you're on the posters. You're the guy that people are going to see first. You're the guy that's has to sell out the houses. So being a champion means something."

While Kingston's Talk is Jericho appearance was taped weeks ago during the Chris Jericho Rock 'N Wrestling Rager At Sea, the release timing couldn't be any better, as Kingston looks to begin pursuit of a world title. During the ROH TV tapings this past weekend, which are scheduled to start airing this Thursday, Kingston confronted current ROH World Champion, and long time nemesis, Claudio Castagnoli, seemingly setting up a title match between the two for Supercard of Honor on March 31.


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit "Talk Is Jericho" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

