Seth Rollins Reportedly Stormed Out Of Post-WrestleMania Raw After Production Confusion

Much like those wrestling fans who got "Worst Raw" trending on Twitter the night after WrestleMania 39, Seth Rollins did not have a good time with that show. With Vince McMahon at the helm on that particular night, several last-minute changes were put into effect, one of which likely involved Seth Rollins. Video of Rollins in an animated discussion with ringside crew during a commercial break made the rounds with many wondering exactly what happened. Rollins walked to the ring to a fan chorus singing his entrance music, with the show tossing to an ad block in the middle of it. When "Raw" returned, he soaked in more of the serenade and walked out of the ring to the back without saying a word. 

This week on the "Wrestling with Freddie" podcast, host Freddie Prinze Jr. and his co-host Jeff Dye shed some light on what they witnessed while ringside. "They played a commercial during his intro, and then we could kind of hear him having a freak-out on some ... production people," Dye recalled. "He was going 'Why is there a commercial?!' You couldn't really hear what he was saying. You could just tell he was mad."

"He said, 'What the hell is going on?!' I saw that coming out of his mouth," Prinze added. "I think he was more pissed than pissed at them. I think he was pissed when he went backstage at whoever did that. But if I was him, I would've been just as angry, and I thought the way he dealt with it was so hardcore and awesome. Instead of cutting a promo, he just throws the mic out of the ring and walked out — and walked out of the friggin' show."

For whatever it's worth, Rollins did not appear on "Raw" this week and has not been listed among the names who reportedly missed the show due to travel issues. 

