Arn Anderson Hopes To Be Part Of AEW Collision, Has No Issue With Nitro-Inspired Logo

The impending debut of "AEW Collision" later tonight is the talk of the wrestling world, with AEW wrestlers and fans hyping up the new Saturday show. In the opinion of wrestling legend and AEW manager Arn Anderson, the new show will breathe new spirit into the Tony Khan-led company, and he hopes to be involved with the event in any way possible.

"It is a huge date in the history of AEW," Anderson said on the ARN podcast. "Collision starts tonight, and I feel like there's going to be a growth spurt in the business ... I hope Brock and I can be a part of it. It's good for the company [and] good for the business."

Anderon's comments are interesting from the perspective of someone keeping up with AEW's weekly programming. One of the matches announced for tonight's episode is a TNT Championship defense, with Wardlow taking on Luchasaurus. While one would expect Anderson, Wardlow's manager, to be in the champ's corner, it wouldn't have been unreasonable to believe that he might not be available in storyline, as we last saw him bleeding on the stairs backstage after being taken out by Luchasaurus and his partner in villainy, Christian Cage. Then again, savvy wrestling fans doubtless expected "The Enforcer" to get his revenge tonight in some capacity, and Anderson's words all but confirm his involvement despite the "hopeful" framing.

Anderson also spoke about how the "AEW Collision" logo draws comparisons to the "WCW Monday Nitro" logo in the 1990s, saying that he doesn't see anything wrong with the tribute.

"[WCW] was a hugely successful company," Anderson reminded listeners. "A lot of older guys in their 40s and 50s, they were loving it, and that was when they were huge wrestling fans ... A lot of older folks remember the WCW times."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "ARN" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

