Teddy Long Believes AEW Needs WWE Quality Leadership To Solve Some Of Its Problems

WWE Hall of Famer Teddy Long has argued that WWE would've fired and not just suspended Jack Perry if he had gone against the orders of management. 

Long, during his appearance on "Sportskeeda Wrestling's" Wrestling Time Machine show, stated that WWE's leadership would've solved the Perry-CM Punk issue better than how AEW handled it.


"I can't really speak on AEW, 'cause I don't watch it. But here's what I can say about this — Jack Perry, I don't know the young man, never met him a day in my life — the only thing I can say about this, if he was in the WWE, I think the leadership there is a lot better," said the Hall of Famer. 

Long feels that Perry would have been fired if he had been in WWE and had disobeyed the orders of the management.

"If he had been told by Vince McMahon to not use real glass, that wouldn't have ever happened. And if he'd disobeyed Vince McMahon's orders, that not to do something, just like you said, as soon as he walked through that curtain, he'd have been fired. No suspension, none of that stuff. But I think that if he was in the WWE, the leadership there would have certainly put him in his place and he wouldn't have never made a mistake like that. If somebody tells you don't do something, then you don't do it. So I think that just comes from the leadership in AEW," said Long.


AEW President Tony Khan revealed that Perry has been suspended indefinitely, following Perry's backstage altercation with Punk.

These young kids are hard-headed: Long

Teddy Long explained why WWE would've not allowed Jack Perry to use real glass on the car windshield that he went through, arguing that it doesn't make financial sense, while he also risked his own health.


"If you're told not to go through a windshield that has real glass, you're taking chances of hurting yourself. You can do real damage to your own self, so that's what I think the WWE is looking out for, not only what's going to cause problems for the fans, but you're going to cause problems for yourself," said Long. "You become a liability now if something happened to you. They got to send you to the hospital, they got to pay all your hospital bills for some nonsense that you were told not to do. So it just doesn't make any sense to me to just put your own self in danger. You know these young kids, a lot of them, they kind of are hard-headed."

Long isn't the only veteran who has criticized Perry's decision to use real glass and also have an altercation with CM Punk backstage. Bully Ray said that the locker room during his time would've beaten the "s**t out of" Perry following his antics, while Booker T also defended Punk, stating that Perry should've understood the pecking order in the promotion.


The fallout from the Punk-Perry backstage fracas resulted in Perry getting suspended, while Punk was fired by AEW.

