Freddie Prinze Jr. On The Impact CM Punk's Return Will Have On WWE Creative, Storylines

Ever since CM Punk returned to WWE at Survivor Series, plenty of talk has centered around how his second run in the promotion could unfold, particularly with programs with Steve Austin, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns rumored. However, it also has some fans worried about Punk's return affecting other potential programs, such as the long-rumored rematch between Reigns and Cody Rhodes at WrestleMania 40. One person not concerned about that, however, is Freddie Prinze Jr. On "Wrestling with Freddie," the former WWE writer and "Wing Commander" star believes that any plans for WrestleMania are secure now that Triple H is in charge of creative, and that he'd have been more worried if Vince McMahon was still actively involved.


"If Vince was there, then I think that fear is valid," Prinze said. "But I think with Hunter in control, what story has he told that hasn't been long term, and I mean long freakin' term? I don't think there is one. I think they protected Cody as well as they could. He wrestled more times this year than anyone at WWE, as far as television matches go. It was 90 some plus matches I saw online."

"They tried to ... because Roman doesn't wrestle that much, so it's hard. He's not on TV, he's part-time now, so it's tough. So I think Royal Rumble, as they say, begins the road to WrestleMania. The match is Cody-Roman Part II, and this time he gets over, because the Bloodline won't be at full strength, and I think he'll finally get over, and I think Roman will go Hollywood and make movies. I don't know."


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