Former WWE Talent Comments On Vince McMahon: 'He's A Wonderful Person'

There aren't many people who want to be Vince McMahon's friend currently after McMahon resigned from his post on TKO's Board of Directors following the revelation of a lawsuit accusing him of sex trafficking and abuse, as well as a federal investigation into the matter. McMahon does have at least two people he can count on, however, in the form of John Cena, and former WWE personality Harvey Wippleman.


Speaking with "WrestlingNewsCo," Wippleman was asked to tell a story about McMahon. Ignoring the allegations against McMahon, Wippleman instead showered his former boss with praise, most notably regarding his handling of the death of WWE referee Joey Marella via a car accident in 1994, where Wippleman had been a passenger.

"I'll just say this in a nutshell; he's been nothing but great to me," Wippleman said. "Nothing but great. And I can't say enough good things about him. And when so many people talk bad about him, or say negative things, it hurts me, because I know what he's done for me and my life. And I'll never forget him for that. So I'll just say, as far as I'm concerned, Vince is one of the best people I've ever dealt with, met, and been privileged enough to become friends with.


"Vince called me right after the Joey wreck. This is more important to me than any position I was given, any offer I was given, any championship I was given, any main event I was given. He called me and talked to me, man to man, person to person, friend to friend, after that. That, to me, speaks volumes about his character. He's just...he's a wonderful person, and there's just been people that's been good to me, and he has...his whole family [has], and I'll just forever be grateful."

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