Bully Ray Assesses Jey Uso's Current WWE Singles Run

After years of being a tag team wrestler with his brother Jimmy Uso, the last year has been all about Jey Uso's solo round. The former Bloodline member started branching out around SummerSlam, when he challenged Roman Reigns for the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship and has continued to gain momentum since then, despite losing the match and being betrayed by his brother in the process. It all seems to be leading to the biggest match of either Jey or Jimmy's career, as the two brothers seem set to collide at WrestleMania 40 in just a few weeks.


As big as the Uso vs. Uso match will be, however, some, like Bully Ray, are already looking ahead to what the future may hold for Jey as a singles star. Unfortunately, as Bully admitted during Tuesday's episode of "Busted Open Radio," he' still has questions about whether Jey can become a star on the level of Cody Rhodes or Roman Reigns.

"Jey is doing a phenomenal job of getting over on [his own]," Bully said. "As we know, [it's] very difficult to be in an established tag team, and then one guy breaks away to become a major star. I don't know if I can attach 'major star' to Jey Uso yet, but he is really, really on his way. He's super over. Just watch the live audience. His merch is selling like crazy. I mean, so far, so good with Jey Uso. But, are you ever going to buy into Jey as a viable singles star? And if so, at what level?"


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