5 Wrestlers Who Actually Pooped Themselves In The Ring

You know the saying ... s*** happens — and it happens, quite literally, in the wrestling ring as well. It's a messy subject for sure, and one that most people might not want to dive into with both feet at first, but there's plenty of substance to sift through in these unfortunate instances that have befallen some of the most famous (and in one case, now infamous) names in the history of the business. And hey, surely there's room for a little potty humor these days, too, so we'll try to have some fun with it.


In the midst of a wrestling match, as we all know, anything can happen. We've repeatedly seen spots altered on the fly, roles outright reversed due to unexpected crowd response, injuries to account for, and so much more — even poop. Yes, sometimes nature calls right then and there in the middle of the squared circle. Or on one's way out from backstage with no time to reverse course. Or in the corner. Or under the ring. Or, well, yeah, sometimes right on one's opponent.

Whether what leads up to these unfortunate, not-so-grand finales is a joke gone awry, the result of an illness or a bad meal, a move that hits in just the right (or wrong) spot, or otherwise, the show must go on. This may not be for the faint of heart but sit back, relax, maybe slap on a gas mask, and let's enjoy these five times when a wrestler actually pooped themselves in the ring.


Vince McMahon

As we've come to find out, Vince McMahon may have turned out to be not a very good person, and you might even be tired of hearing about him by now. If so, have some fun at his expense learning about the time he tried to fart in someone's face as a joke and instead pooped his pants — just as he was about to exit gorilla position for a segment on "WWE Raw."


Jim Ross shared this tale while appearing on "The Opie and Anthony Show." According to Ross, at the height of the evil "Mr. McMahon” character's run during the Attitude Era (so likely sometime in the late 90s or early 2000s), at an episode of "Raw" in New Jersey, while waiting on his music to hit to cue his entrance, McMahon positioned himself right in front of Gerald Brisco backstage as he was timing the show, intending to fart right in his face. Instead, McMahon soiled himself just enough for it to seep through his otherwise impeccable khaki pants. While the prank on Brisco accomplished what McMahon had intended — making his longtime friend gag in disgust — the former WWE chairman had no choice but to head down the ramp with a clearly identifiable skid mark. 


Unfortunately (or fortunately?), the production truck was made aware of Vince's bodily mishap. Ross explained that nobody had the guts to show it on television, and the incident never became "The Shart Heard Around the World," as perhaps it could have. Nevertheless, Ross said that he and Jerry "The King" Lawler (and surely, others) got a good chuckle out of witnessing McMahon with the brown stain on his pants. 

Andre the Giant

This right here is the stuff that nightmares are made of, plain and simple. On par with Freddy Krueger chasing one through a dream from which they can't awaken, evil clowns, arachnophobia, and claustrophobia, getting pooped on by Andre the Giant has got to be one of the scariest things imaginable in the history of humankind. At seven feet tall and weighing more than 500 pounds, one can hardly imagine the kind of mess that Andre was capable of making. However, in a match in Mexico circa 1992, with Andre as one of his opponents, Bad News Allen, unfortunately, didn't have to imagine anything.


Bam Bam Bigelow, who teamed with Andre several times earlier on the tour, detailed a day of drinking with Andre (an all-time legendary drinker), Great Kokina (better known as Yokozuna), Dos Mascaras, El Canek, and Allen, ahead of a match. According to Bigelow (via Title Match Wrestling), Andre drank a mixture of Clamato and mezcal tequila all day. As appealing as that sounds, it probably wasn't the best pre-game performance concoction. "He gets in the ring," Bigelow said. "They're doing something where Allen apparently took a bump, Andre grabs the ropes to do [a sitting spot from the corner], and as he sits on top of Bad News, he s*** all over him. Diarrhea, tequila/Clamato juice Hershey squirts running down his neck."


Naturally, Bad News wanted out of there, screaming, "Get the f*** off of me," as per Bigelow, but was not able to do anything about the behemoth now resting on his chest. "And every time [Andre] went to get up, he s*** more," Bigelow added, calling the incident "the nastiest, grossest, funniest thing you ever wanted to see." As we said, the stuff of nightmares. And let's just leave it at that.

CM Punk

Of all the nuclear bombs that came out of the infamous 2015 episode of Colt Cabana's "The Art of Wrestling" podcast — which resulted in lawsuits, CM Punk's absence from WWE for nine years, his AEW run, and a once-unfathomable return to WWE since — perhaps one that was somehow slightly overlooked was Punk's own brush with soiled trunks in 2013 during a match with Jon Moxley (then-Dean Ambrose). Before the match, Punk had been sick, and WWE doctors prescribed an antibiotic, Zithromax (also known as a Z-Pak), to treat the illness, but with that came the onset of an all-too-common side effect of antibiotics at an all-too-inopportune time.


"They Z-Paked me to death so much that in December [2013]," Punk said while recalling his most embarrassing moment in a live wrestling match. "I s*** my pants on a 'SmackDown' 'cause that's what antibiotics do to you." After the match, Punk tweeted, "Just s*** my britches on 'SmackDown.' Please RT," but ultimately deleted that message, allegedly at the insistence of WWE higher-ups over the word choice, and replaced it with, "This poop just ain't fun anymore." Less than two months later, he was gone from the company and out of wrestling for almost eight years.

All's well that ends well, though. Punk is back in WWE and seemingly happy despite currently being on the shelf with a triceps injury. If we're being positive, we should point out that through all of the trials and tribulations Punk endured (and participated in) during his AEW run, none of them, that we know of, involved unintentional defecation on his part. However, whether or not AEW President Tony Khan pooped in his pants when Punk made him fear for his life at All In 2023 is unclear.


Stone Cold Steve Austin

We chronicled the terror that was Andre the Giant pooping on Bad News Allen, but anything of a similar nature involving Yokozuna is just as fear-inducing. While the late, great former WWE Champion had a gross sickness story, according to Bret "The HItman" Hart, this isn't about that but rather a time when Yokozuna's massive, 600-pound frame did enough damage on a slam to "Stone Cold" Steve Austin that "The Texas Rattlesnake" made a mess in his pants.


This incident occurred during a match during a tour of South Africa in 1996, as Austin explained on "Hot Ones with First We Feast." "A lot of times, when you're doing international travel and there is a dietary change, things happen," Austin said. "[Yokozuna] was weighing 600 pounds at the time, and when he picked me up and slammed me, something went south."

As they say, communication is vital, and even in moments when one part of any relationship soils themselves, this holds true. So, when Austin realized he'd dropped a deuce in his drawers, he told Yokozuna, "Let's go home," and that was that. Austin took the pin and hightailed out of there, straight to the back, where he said, "[I] took a hell of a shower." Ironically, after telling his tale of turds-in-the-trunks, Austin continued under the show's premise of eating increasingly spicy hot wings until he could no longer do so. Now that's what we call looking a demon right in the eye and saying, "Not today!"


John Cena

Hustle. Loyalty. Respect. And at least on two occasions, poop. But for John Cena, ever the overachiever, one of these times wasn't just any old poop, and not even any old poop in the middle of a wrestling match. This was poop and puke all at once.


While appearing on "Total Divas" in 2013, he admitted to soiling himself in a match in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. "I pooped myself once," Cena said. "I had to throw my pants away. I had food poisoning, and I still went out to wrestle. Everybody knew. I was embarrassed."

In 2008, however, Cena had already fessed up to something far more impressive elsewhere in Canada. "I was in Winnipeg," he told WWE Magazine (via Inside the Ropes). "I was wrestling Scott Steiner with Bull Buchanan as my lackey. I got food poisoning and thought I wouldn't be able to wrestle, but I went out there anyway." Now this might not be the right time to cite "intestinal fortitude," but we'll give Cena kudos for having the guts to ... never mind.


After taking a DDT, Cena rolled out of the ring, feeling sick, and locked eyes with the timekeeper, to whom he asked, "Where do I puke?" After being told to do so under the ring, he followed suit, upchucked as promised, but simultaneously got a surprise from the other end. "As I was puking, I crapped my pants. Luckily, it was at the end of the match, but nothing has ever topped that since."

