Billy Corgan Responds To Fans Trying To 'Quantify' Tyrus

For many wrestling fans, one of the more controversial aspects of the National Wrestling Alliance over the past few years has been the continued presence of Tyrus. The current NWA World Television Champion and former WWE star's past is well-documented, including accusations of sexual harassment, but that hasn't stopped NWA owner and boss Billy Corgan from continuing to believe in the wrestler, author, and Fox News contributor.


In an appearance on Insight with Chris Van Vliet, the Smashing Pumpkins lead singer explained why he finds Tyrus so valuable, whereas others may not. "People try to quantify Tyrus' talent, how can you?" Corgan said. "He appears on television three times a week, in front of over 2 million people. He's a best-selling author. He just sold out a comedy show the night before NWA 74. People want to talk about him as a professional wrestler, which he's a great professional wrestler in my opinion."

"But if you leave out all the other things that Tyrus is, if you leave out all the other things that Matt Cardona is, look at what Mickie James' brand did for the EmPowerrr PPV last year. WWE completely underestimated the Mickie James brand," said Corgan. "Mickie James brought her brand to the NWA, we ran a very successful pay-per-view off the Mickie James brand. That's kind of what I'm talking about." Corgan's faith in Tyrus will be on full display at NWA 74, where the former Brodus Clay will challenge Trevor Murdoch for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.


If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Insight with Chris Van Vliet and provide an h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription

