Why Freddie Prinze Jr. Loved Adam Cole Vs. MJF At AEW All In Despite Getting It Wrong

Freddie Prinze Jr. loved the story told by MJF and Adam Cole at All In and highlighted why the story between the two stands out.

In a recent edition of "Wrestling with Freddie," the former WWE writer was surprised that Cole did not betray MJF in the ROH World Tag Team title match against Aussie Open at All In. He thinks AEW may have taken the decision to put the titles on Cole and MJF to perhaps add more eyes to the titles and also help ROH get a television deal.


"I thought, for sure, Adam Cole was going to turn on Max and they were going to lose that match. And that was going to be Adam Cole turning heel and then they were going to have this epic match and, 'We'll see who can win in the championship [main event],' said Prinze. "They did not do that, they stayed 'Bros for life' and won the Ring of Honor Tag Team Championship, which completely surprised me, and probably a lot of people, because it seemed like they wouldn't do that. But if they're trying to put those titles over and trying to put Ring of Honor over, and get yet another show on TV, then maybe that's the right thing to do."

He spoke in depth about the main event and how he got it wrong about Cole and MJF splitting up.


Cole-MJF story isn't finished yet: Prinze Jr.

Prior to All In, Freddie Prinze Jr. predicted that Adam Cole would turn on MJF in the ROH World Tag Team Championship match, which didn't happen at All In. MJF and Cole defeated Aussie Open to kick off the show, and there was no heel turn or betrayal even in the main event, which was for the AEW World Championship. The two even hugged it out at the end of the night.


The former WWE writer admitted that he got it all wrong, but thoroughly enjoyed the match, as well as the story the two told during the match.

"This has been a great story. I thought it was coming to an end tonight [at All In]. It most certainly is not. It was simply chapter one, the Roderick Strong stuff guarantees you that. I got the finish wrong, I got everything wrong, although I think I said Max would win," he said. "They told a great story. It's like watching an old '80s teen angst movie. It's like the things they fight over, they treat the belt like the girl they both have a crush on, the dialogue feels so '80s, like a buddy cop film, like Eddie Murphy and Nick Nolte going back and forth in '48 Hrs.' I've loved everything about it."


Prinze Jr. feels the addition of Roderick Strong to the storyline means that it has more legs to it and that the story isn't finished yet.

"The story now is not finished, which is really cool, and has me guessing all over again," said Prinze Jr.

