Bully Ray Reacts To The Young Bucks 'Firing' Christopher Daniels From AEW

Since returning to AEW in January with a whole new attitude, there have been few lows The Young Bucks haven't stooped to in their role as AEW EVPs. And while the lowest of lows may have been their attacks on AEW owner Tony Khan and fellow EVP, and former friend, Kenny Omega in consecutive weeks, the dastardliness continued for the Bucks last Wednesday on "Dynamite," when they fired long-time head of talent relations Christopher Daniels after defeating him and Matt Sydal.


On last Wednesday's edition of "Busted Open After Dark," two-time Hall of Famer Bully Ray raved about the angle. But he didn't stop there, also complimenting the performance of Jack Perry at the announcer's booth, and how the segment helped build towards, in Bully's opinion, a strong show closing angle.

"I loved the Bucks firing Christopher Daniels," Bully said. "Really leaning into this EVP role. I was almost hoping they said to CD 'Best of luck in your future endeavors. Let us know if they throw you in 'NXT.” That would've popped me huge. So the Bucks fired CD, and Jack Perry was at commentary. And Jack Perry was doing a great job at being a great a*****e...Jack Perry takes his drink, and pours it all over Schiavone's head. 


"Doing bad stuff to Schiavone is like doing bad stuff to JR back in the day. Instant heat. Everybody loves Tony Schiavone. I love Tony Schiavone, you love Tony Schiavone, your mother loves Tony Schiavone...everybody loves Tony Schiavone. Jack Perry pours the drink, they're booing him out of the building. I thought this was a very strong night for heat for The Elite. It built up for the end of the night, when the babyfaces finally ran them off [and] evened the odds with Darby Allin joining the crew."

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