The Latest On Tammy Sytch's Legal Situation

In a year full of big stories many will never forget, among the most tragic is the ongoing D.U.I. manslaughter case against Tammy Sytch. The WWE Hall of Famer remains in jail following her arrest in May after a car accident back in March that resulted in the death of a 75-year-old man. Police say Sytch's blood alcohol content was far over the legal limit. Updates have occurred periodically on the case since then, with the most recent coming this week.

PWInsider is reporting that a request by Sytch's legal team to push back her long-delayed pre-trial hearing was granted this week, with the hearing now scheduled for January 23. Even in victory, there was a defeat for Sytch however, as her representatives had attempted to get the hearing pushed back all the way to February, to no avail. Sytch is on her second legal team, after her first lawyer, Steven deLarcohe, withdrew from the case in June.

Sytch waved her right to a speedy trial all the way back in August, slowing the process of the case. Things have progressed a bit quicker recently, however, with PWInsider noting that four police officers involved in Sytch's case finally had their depositions taken last month.

In addition to her criminal trial, Sytch and her boyfriend James Pente, who was nearly held in contempt of court earlier this year, are also being sued by the family of the victim in Sytch's accident, whose vehicle was struck by Sytch's at a traffic light. Sytch had previously filed to have the civil lawsuit dismissed, but PWInsider noted the case remains active in the Florida court system, and there is no major update on its status.

