Tammy Sytch Decides If She Wants Speedy Trial In DUI Manslaughter Case

It's been a quiet month regarding updates on Tammy Sytch, as the WWE Hall of Famer awaits trial for charges of DUI manslaughter. The most recent bit of news regarding Sytch came in early July when it was revealed Sytch had received delinquency notices from the state of Pennsylvania regarding past DUI charges unrelated to her current charge. As of today, however, some other developments regarding the trial have emerged.

PWInsider is reporting that Sytch's new attorney filed a motion earlier this week waving Sytch's right to a speedy trial. It was also reported that Sytch's attorney filed to have an upcoming pre-trial hearing on August 11 postponed, citing nine reasons, including one that stated the Assistant State Attorney involved in the case did not object. As of this writing, neither motion has been ruled on.

PWI also reported that four police officers who were involved in Sytch's case are scheduled to give deposition on September 13, and that Sytch was designated with "criminal indigent status" back on June 30, a status given to defendants without sufficient income to afford an attorney for their case. Sytch's previous attorney, Steven deLaroche, successfully filed a motion to withdraw from serving as her attorney back in June, leading to Sytch acquiring a public defender while searching for other representation.

It has now been over four months since Sytch was involved in a car accident where she rear-ended a car at a traffic stop, resulting in injuries to Sytch and the death of a 75-year-old man driving the other car. Two months later, Sytch was arrested on charges of DUI manslaughter, as well as several other charges, after toxicology reports revealed Sytch's blood alcohol content was 3 1/2 times over the legal limit.

Save for a brief release on bond, which was quickly revoked, Sytch has remained in jail since and issued a plea of not guilty in early June. In addition to the criminal trial, Sytch and her boyfriend James Pente have also been sued by the family of the deceased. Sytch has filed to have the lawsuit dismissed; in today's report, PWI noted the civil suit is currently still active and making its way through the Florida courts. Pente had been alleged to have hurled an expletive at the Assistant State Attorney before a hearing in June, almost leading to him being held in contempt.

